Vendela Herdell and Philipp Lassarén are Swedish medical students from Karolinska Institutet visiting IRESSEF. Vendela is a research assistant at Emotion Lab, with a great interest in public health.
Therefore she decided to spend a couple of weeks at IRESSEF during her summer off from medical school to learn more about how it is to work within research – especially with malaria that is a great interest of hers. She will also start in a malaria research group this autumn.
At IRESSEF, she learned how to do basic science lab work like DNA extraction, PCR and realtime-PCR and got the chance to see the process of how scientific articles are written. Philipp also has a great interest in research, especially statistical analysis. He did a presentation on Principal Component Analysis at IRESSEF, and hopes to use statistical methods to collaborate with IRESSEF. They are greatly thankful for the opportunity to join such an extraordinary organization as IRESSEF, and hope that they can initiate a collaboration between Karolinska Institute and IRESSEF.