Request for Proposals – Selection of Contractors/Vendors June 2019
The Institut De Recherche En Santé De Surveillance Épidémiologique Et De Formation (IRESSEF), through funding from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. CDC), would like to introduce an open source
electronic system for tracking and monitoring specimen turn-around time (TAT) in Nigeria to ensure timely use of Viral Load and Early Infant Diagnosis (VL/EID) laboratory results to improve clinical management of HIV patients.
The electronic tracking system is estimated to benefit 1.35 million tests for VL/EID to improve patient outcomes with goals to: a) reduce TAT, b) reduce specimen rejection rate, c) increase entry of laboratory results in patient
chart in clinics, d) increase utilization of laboratory results for patient management, e) improve data sharing and visualization capabilities across multiple geographic locations, and f) ensure the integrity of samples from clinics to laboratories for VL and EID patient tests.
Beyond the pilot the vision of this intervention is to deploy the tool as a robust system for monitoring and implementing TAT for all clinical samples shipped to and from clinical sites in a way that will increase clinical decision making.
The project will be implemented in two phases:
Phase I: The first six months of the project will be a pilot in one laboratory serving at least 10 clinics
Phase II: The rest of the six months of the project will be scaling to additional four key laboratories serving at least 10 clinics each
To enable the Nigerian National Reference Laboratory to monitor and ensure 90% of viral load specimens and results are transported and reported as per the recommended guidelines for TAT. An open source electronic system (CommCare services) will be leased to ensure safe data capture and transfer between laboratories and clinics.
3- Number of Contractors: Two (2) to support NRL and at least 10 sites itserves to conduct activities including but not limited to identificationof gaps, development of startegies to address gaps etc. for TAT and specimen
rejection rates for VL and EID specimens.
4- Scope of Work:
Introduction of the working model:
Five entities, which includes CDC Nigeria, CDC Atlanta, CommCare, IRESSEF and two (2) Nigeria based partners to be identified, will work closely in a multidisciplinary team. CDC will give technical direction and guidance for the expectations for adapting CommCare and implementation on the ground. IRESEFF will provide support for the coordination of activities between all entities involved. IRESSEF will also supervise and monitor the performance and deliverables of the Nigeria based partners, in addition to financial oversight. The two local implementing partners will provide inputs to CommCare and they will make modification to the CommCare software.
Phase I: (1-6 months)
• Perform a baseline assessment of current TAT and rejection rates for one (1) of out of the 11 National Reference laboratories (NRL) in Abuja, Nigeria by mapping the process and collecting information on how the system works currently.
- Contractor will support the first selected NRL, which is expected to serve at least 10 facilities (VL/EID facilities, clinics, etc.)
• Identify root cause for the inability to monitor and meet the national guidelines for VL/EID TAT, specimen rejection and integrity;
• Support the adaptation and customization of CommCare for use in monitoring and documenting VL and EID testing TAT as well as sample rejection rates.
• Report project progress/challenges to IRESSEF, CDC Nigeria and GoN on a pre-determined frequency.
• Document unmet needs and challenges along with solutions designed to address them.
• Implement a fully functional system to capture TAT for VL/EID in 1 NRL and allied sites.
Phase II: (6-12 months)
• Based on lessons learned from phase I, expand the intervention by implementing the system in four additional reference laboratories serving at least 10 clinics each;
• Understand challenges in NRL outside Abuja and further customize the CommCare system, as needed, for sustainability purposes; and, monitor and address issues impacting TAT and specimen rejection rates;
• Hand over a fully functional and customized system to fit the needs of 5 NRLs serving at least 10 sites each to IRESSEF and Government of Nigeria.
5- General Requirements & Proposal Submission:
• Intellectual property: All information and assets related to the electronic system will be property of IRESSEF. The bidder must submit all documentation to IRESSEF upon successful launch and expiry of the
contractual agreement.
• Proposals: The bidder must submit both technical and financial proposals for the project. The technical proposal must cover all important aspects of the solution and the financial proposal should cover development and support cost.
6- Deliverable
A fully functioning and customized open source system electronic that will enable the monitoring and tracking of specimen for performance of VL/EID laboratory tests.
7- Time line: July 2019- June 2020
8- Total Approximate Budget: Not to exceed 25,000 USD
A potential contractor may compete for the project in a single application. Final selection for the project will be based on technical, cost and other considerations as deemed necessary by the scope of work.
IRESSEF shall enter into a contract with the selected contractor. Duration of contracts shall be up to a maximum of 12 months beginning on 1st July 2019.
A. The format of the submission, in response to this RFP, must include, but is not limited to, the following:
i. Background on the organization/individual and staffing qualifications and experience. Indicate how these qualifications and experience relate to the proposed functional areas applied for. Where the organization is affiliated/has partnerships with other institutions, a description of how this will result in effective implementation of the proposed areas of work should be included.
ii. A description of the respondent’s work history (experience) with similar projects in the past five (5) years (Capability Statement). This should include, but not limited to, a narrative description of the principal results achieved, how they were achieved and how those results related to the problem statement being addressed.
iii. How the Respondent proposes to accomplish the functional area (s). Include specific objectives and activities that will be done under each objective
iv. Expected outcomes and impact
B. Completed proposals shall consist of typewritten pages utilizing 12” font typing. A maximum of 10 pages for the proposal is allowed
C. The authorized individual representing the Respondent will sign and date the proposal cover sheet. The signatory agent’s printed name, title, name of the organization, address, phone and fax numbers and email
address must be provided. Failure to provide a signed copy of the affirmation statement below will be cause for the proposal not to be considered.
I affirm that the information within this proposal, to the best of my knowledge, is true and accurate. Further,
I am duly authorized to sign and submit this proposal on behalf of this agency. I fully affirm and understand that failure to meet the requirements of this proposal at the submitted price may result in my organization’s
contract being terminated.
D. Include at least two (2) current references and their contact information from organizations that have used your services within the last twelve (12) months.
Send your completed application by email to Mimi Traoré-Mané at [email protected], with copy to Ruth Girma at [email protected] on or before 30th June 2019, 5pm GMT.
A committee formed from staff and outside experts will evaluate the applications based on preset standards relevant to the specific project and its correlation with the RFP objectives. An evaluation matrix with assigned
weighted numerical values will be used to rate each applicant. The following represents some, not all, of the criteria that will be used to the assessed feasibility of each Respondent.
Does the organization / individual have the right skill set and expertise to accomplish the required assignments?Does the organization / individual demonstrate adequate and verifiable past experience in similar projects?Is the Respondent’s proposed activities (strategy of implementation) current, feasible and cost effective?Are the proposed outcomes measurable and feasible?Did the application include references that attest to the Respondents personal and professional integrity and competency?Did the Respondent demonstrate knowledge of the project needs and objectives?
Applicants must be entities based in Nigeria and should have experience working with and supporting laboratories in
Nigeria including, but not limited to, the National Reference Laboratory.
IRESSEF reserves the right (but is not under obligation to do so) to enter into discussions with one or more Respondents in order to obtain clarifications or additional details, to suggest service delivery refinements in the proposal or other aspects of the proposal, or to negotiate the cost proposal.
Each Respondent submitting a proposal will be notified in writing or via e-mail of the decision concerning their proposal. Should your organization be recommended for acceptance, the contract shall be effective on the contract execution date. All work must be scheduled and completed within the contract period timeframe. Any modifications or extensions must be negotiated in advance and submitted to IRESSEF for review and approval. The selected Respondent’s proposal, and any subsequent material submitted in response to requests for additional information, will become the basis of contractual agreements with said Respondent.
Responses must be in accordance with the guidelines as specified in this RFP. This RFP does not commit IRESSEF to accept any proposals submitted, nor is IRESSEF responsible for any costs incurred in the preparation of responses to this RFP. The detailed itemized budget must be submitted in U.S. dollars and will be evaluated in terms of best value to IRESSEF.
IRESSEF reserves the right to delay, amend, reissue or cancel all or part of this RFP at any time without prior notice.
IRESSEF will be under no obligation to reveal or discuss with any Respondent on how a proposal was assessed, or to provide any other information relative to the selection process. Respondents whose proposals are not selected will be notified by email and shall have no claim whatsoever for any kind of compensation.