The National Academy of Sciences and Techniques of Senegal (ANSTS) held its first ‘’ academic session ’of the year, in the conference room of the Institute for Health Research, Epidemiological Surveillance and Training. "The problem and the state of care in cardiology" were addressed by the National Academy of Sciences and Techniques of Senegal (Ansts). The speakers thus showed the different levels to meet the challenges of cardiology in Senegal. Professor head of department in cardiology at Aristide le Dantec hospital, Serigne Abdou Ba, will say: "Senegal, like many other countries, is confronted with cardiovascular diseases ...

Most of our patients must be operated, however they do not have the means and this poses a problem of care. There is also high blood pressure which is a scourge, because 29.8% of the adult population is hyper-tense. It leads to strokes, and it gets complicated with heart failure and kidney failure with dialysis at the end, "said the panelist. And to continue: "the trend is prevention. Because the more we age, the more we are confronted with these diseases. And the basis of this care remains prevention, fight against diabetes, lower blood pressure, lower consumption of sugar, salt and fat and fight against the stress".

In the same perspective, Professor Mohamed Ndiaye of the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology at Ucad will say: "we have concentrated on the means of processing the operation, this offer has evolved over the years 80s and 90s to establish a cardiac surgery program. For the moment, there is a high-level cardiology center where there is the possibility of operating in Senegal. " In the same vein, Professor Ndiaye has indexed costly care: "these costly acts are due to costly equipment at the international level". The panelists also revealed the lack of cardiologists in Senegal. They also discussed several challenges, challenges of access to care among others, as on the challenges that obstruct the field of cardiology. Scientists including Professor Souleymane also reassured on the issue of coronavirus: "we will continue to work in this case to bring solid research"