Training workshop on nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs for the diagnosis and monitoring of COVID-19 including the harmonization of data collected.
The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs (MSAS) involved the Institute for Health
Research, Epidemiological Surveillance and Training (IRESSEF) in the national response
system for the performance of virological tests on samples collected from health districts in
the Thies region, in Real-time (RT-PCR). Within that framework, IRESSEF proposed to
initiate missions in health districts under its custody for the monitoring samples and to make
sure data are collected through a harmonized system within the fight against COVID-19. This
mission targets three major objectives:
Offer training / capacity building on nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs.
Establish a Harmonized system for the collection of data from sampling sites
Build capacity to ensure better quality of epidemiological data from the Thiès region.
The mission targeted the health districts of Joal, Popenguine, Mbour, Ngaye Mekhe,
Tivaouane, Khombole, Thiès and Pout. The IRESSEF team consisted of biologists in charge
of the training on sampling and two IT managers for data management.
Training on sampling and for sites’ support within the biological management of COVID-19
At the Epidemic Management Center (CTE) of the Thiès Military Camp, IRESSEF organized
a training workshop on sampling before the start of virological control tests for appropriate
follow-up of patients under treatment in this Center. After the training, the IRESSEF team
also collected samples for virological control tests and supported the team until total mastery
of the processes and their improvement.
COVID-19: IRESSEF has performed Sampling and tests for deported Senegalese at the Blaise Diagne International Airport (AIBD)
IRESSEF started its activities at the Blaise Diagne International Airport (AIBD) since May
17 th 2020. The targeted objective was to perform the sampling from all passengers on
incoming flights including virological tests in collaboration with the District of Popenguine.
To date, IRESSEF has collected from passengers on 5 flights from France (02), Niger, the
United States and Guinea. The Diamniadio-based institute is well equipped to deal with all
COVID-19 related issues.